The Master
I am luthier. And I’m also bow maker. My professional career has been enriched by all the facets of the profession: instrument and bow making, restoration, sound adjustments, trade and expertise.
I am luthier. And I’m also bow maker. My professional career has been enriched by all the facets of the profession: instrument and bow making, restoration, sound adjustments, trade and expertise.
I have made close to one thousand bows today and each time it’s a real pleasure making a new one. The very first one, it was in 1984 in Los Angeles, thanks to Paul Siefried and Stéphane Thomachot.
Fondé en 1956 par Jacques Camurat (1927-2016), j’ai dirigé avec mon frère Bernard, luthier à Vico (Corse), l’atelier de la rue de Rome à Paris pendant 15 ans où de nombreux luthiers et archetiers ont également participé à son développement.
Today in Montpellier, I’m mostly making bows and violins.